There has been a change in the dates for virtual students participating in the Standards of Learning (SOL) assessments. The new dates are listed below:
● Grade 3 - Math: May 25-26, Reading: June 1-2
● Grade 4 - Math: May 16-17, Reading: May 19-20, History: May 23rd
● Grade 5 - Math: May 18-19, Reading: May 16-17, Science: May 24
● Grade 6 - Math: May 24, Reading: May 18th
All SOL tests are administered in a secure testing environment and must be taken in the school buildings. Victory will provide breakfast, lunch, and transportation for all testing students.
Please use the link below or go to the Victory Elementary School’s website to complete the SOL Virtual Registration Form. Search under the Announcements Tab on the home page to locate the SOL Virtual Registration form. Parents and Guardians MUST complete the registration form by Wednesday May 11, 2022.
Students will need their Chromebooks on all testing days. Chromebooks should be in good working order and fully charged each day. Please note that cell phones, electronic devices, and other unauthorized materials are not permitted during testing.
We are looking forward to all students succeeding on these assessments, and we understand you may have questions. Please feel free to contact Ms. Gause at 757-393-8806 x5 if you need any assistance.
Victory Elementary School's SOL Virtual Registration Form